Eric D. Widmer
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Gauthier, J.-A., Widmer, E.D., Bucher, P. Notredame, C. (2009). How much does it cost? Optimization of costs in sequence analysis of social science data. Sociological Methods and Research, vol. 38, n° 1, pp. 197-231. Abstract | Full text
Ernst Stähli, M., Le Goff, J.-M., Levy R., Widmer,E.D. (2009). Wishes or Constraints? Mothers’ Labour Force Participation and its Motivation in Switzerland. European Sociological Review, vol. 25, n° 3, pp. 333-348. Abstract | Full text
Widmer, E.D., Orita, A., Gauthier, J.-A., Sénac, N. Cucchia, A.T., Stekel, K., Grasset, F. (2008). How central and connected am I in my family? Bridging and bonding social capital in family configurations of young adults with psychiatric disorders. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, vol. 54, n° 6, pp. 550-561. Abstract | Full text
Widmer, E.D., Kempf, N., Lanzi, F., Robert-Tissot, C., Galli-Carminati, G. (2008). How central and connected am I in my Family? Family based social capital of individuals with intellectual disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, vol. 29, n° 2, pp. 176-187. Abstract | Full text
Widmer, E.D. (2008). Les relations entre demi-frères et demi-soeurs à l'adolescence. Entre proximité et distanciation. Informations sociales, n° 149, pp. 94-105. Abstract | Full text
Pollien, A., Widmer, E.D., Le Goff, J.-M., Giudici, F. (2008). Transitions familiales et brouilles conjugales : Cumulation ou compensation des problèmes d’intimité à travers les phases du parcours de vie familial ? Enfances, Familles, Générations, n° 9. Abstract | Full text
Pollien, A., Widmer, E., Le Goff, J.-M, Giudici, F. (2008). Que promettent les styles d’interactions ? Une approche sociologique de l’intimité conjugale. Revue Suisse de Sociologie, vol. 34, n° 3, pp. 493-506. Abstract | Full text
Widmer, E.D. (2007). Social capital in wide family contexts: An empirical assessment using social network methods. International Review of Sociology, vol. 17, n° 2, pp. 225-238. Abstract | Full text
Levy, R., Gauthier, J.-A., Widmer, E.D. (2007). Entre contraintes institutionnelle et domestique: Les parcours de vie masculins et féminins en Suisse. Revue canadienne de sociologie, vol. 31, n° 4, pp. 461-489. Abstract | Full text
Levy, R., Bühlmann, F., Widmer, E.D. (2007). Dual and single career couples in Switzerland: Exploring partners’ trajectories. Journal of Family Research, vol. 3, pp. 263-289.
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