Eric D. Widmer
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Gauthier, J., Widmer, E. D., Bucher, P., & Notredame, C. (2010). Multichannel sequence analysis applied to social science data. Sociological Methodology, vol. 40, n°1, pp. 1-38. Abstract | Full text
Widmer, E.D., (2010). "Qui est je?" ou la difficile construction de soi dans l'hypermodernité. Grand Résumé de l'ouvrage de Vincent de Gaulejac, Qui est je? Sociologie clinique du sujet. Paris, Editions du Seuil, 2009.SociologieS. Abstract | Full text
Viry, G., Widmer, E.D., Kaufmann, V. (2010). Does it matter for us that my partner or I commute ? Spatial mobility for job reasons and the quality of conjugal relationships in France, Germany, and Switzerland. Zeischrift für Familienforschung Journal of Family Research. Heft N°2, pp. 149-171.
Nguyen, Vi Cao, Fragnière, E., Gauthier, J.-A., Sapin, M., Widmer, E.D. (2010). Optimizing the marriage market: An application of the linear assignment model. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 202, n° 2, pp. 547-553. Abstract | Full text
Widmer, E.D., Kempf-Constantin, N.L., Galli Carminati, G. (2010). Exploring Perceptions of Family Relationships by Individuals With Intellectual Disability and Psychiatric Disorders. Families in societies, vol. 91, n°4, pp. 378-384. Abstract | Full text
Widmer, E.D., Ritschard, G. (2009). The de-standardization of the life course: Are men and women equal ? Advances in Life course Research, vol. 14, n° 1-2, pp. 28-39. Abstract | Full text
Hammer, R., Nills-Robert, C., Widmer, E.D. (2009). Subjective proximity to crime or social representations? Explaining sentencing attitudes in Switzerland. Social Justice Research, vol. 22, n° 4, pp. 351-368. Abstract | Full text
Burton-Jeangros, C., Widmer, E.D. (2009) Introduction in Burton-Jeangros, C., Dannefer, D., Widmer, E.D. (eds) Cumulative and Compensatory Effects over the life Course : Introduction. Cumulative effects over the life course. Swiss Journal of Sociology, vol. 35, n° 2, pp. 183-192. Abstract |
Widmer, E.D., Giudici, F., Le Goff, J.-M., Pollien, A. (2009). From Support to Control. A Configurational Perspective on Conjugal Quality. Journal of Marriage and Family, vol. 71, n° 13, pp. 437-448. Abstract | Full text
Viry, G., Kaufmann, V., Widmer, E.D. (2009). La grande mobilité géographique pour des raisons professionnelles en Suisse: une étape de vie pré-parentale?. Recherches familiales, vol. 6, pp. 67-80. Abstract |