Eric D. Widmer |
Favez, N., Widmer, E.D., Doan, M.-T., Tissot, H. (2015). Coparenting in Stepfamilies: Maternal Promotion of Family Cohesiveness with Partner and with Father. Journal of Child and Family Studies . Vol. 24, pp. 3268-3278.
Abstract | Full textCastrén, A.-M., Widmer, E.D.(2015). Insiders and outsiders in stepfamilies: Adults' and children's views on family boundaries . Current Sociology. Vol. 63(1), pp. 35-56.
Abstract |Gauthier, J.-A., Widmer, E.D. (2014). Trajectoires migratoires des personnes confrontées à des violences collectives en ex-Yougoslavie: le cas de la Bosnie (1990-2005). Migrations Société. Vol. 26, n°1, pp. 31-41.
Abstract | Full textWidmer, E.D., Favez, N., Doan, M.-T. (2014). Coparentage et logiques configurationnelles dans les familles recomposées et de première union. Politiques sociales et familiales. Vol. 117, pp. 45-57. Abstract | Full text
Ammar, N., Gauthier, J.-A., Widmer, E.D. (2014). Trajectories of intimate partnerships, sexual attitudes, desire and satisfaction. Advances in Life Course Research. Vol. 22, pp. 62-72. Abstract | Full text
Aeby, G., Widmer, E.D., De Carlo, I. (2014). Bonding and Bridging Social Capital in Step- and First-Time Families and the Issue of Family Boundaries. Interpersona. Vol. 8(1), pp. 51-69. Abstract | Full text
De Carlo, I., Aeby, G., Widmer, E.D. (2014). La variété des configurations familiales après une recomposition : choix et contraintes. Revue suisse de sociologie. Vol. 40, n°1, pp.9-27. Abstract | Full text
Gouveia, R., Widmer, E.D. (2014). The salience of kinship in personal networks of three cohorts of Portuguese people. Families, Relationships and Societies. Policy Press. Abstract | Full text
Ammar, N. and Widmer, E.D. (2013). Sexual Desire and the style of conjugal interactions. Sexologies. European Journal of Sexual Health, pp. 1-9. Abstract | Full text
Widmer, E.D. (2013). Editorial of the special issue "Geographical Mobilities and Family Lives". Comparative Population Studies. Vol. 38, n°2, pp. 229-232. Abstract | Full text