Eric D. Widmer

Kellerhals,J. and Widmer,E. and Levy,R. (2003).Types of cohesion, levels of conflict and coping in contemporary families: In: A.-K. Kollind and A. Peterson(Eds). Thoughts on family, gender, generation and class. Sweden, Intellecta DocuSys AB, pp. 85-96.

Levy,R. and Widmer,E. and Kellerhals,J. (2002). Modern family or modernized family traditionalism? Master status and the gender order in Switzerland. Electronic Journal of Sociology, vol. 6,n°4. Abstract | Full text

Kellerhals, J., Levy, R., Widmer, E.D. (2002). Cohésion, régulation et conflits dans les familles contemporaines. Abstract | Full text

Robert,C.-N., Kellerhals,J., Languin,N.,Widmer,E.,Poncela,P.,Boggio,Y.,Pattaroni,L., Coumanne,C. (2001). Les représentations sociales de la sanction pénale.

Widmer, E.D., Weiss, C. (2000111). Do older siblings make a difference? The effects of older sibling support and older sibling adjustment on the adjustment of socially disadvantaged adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, vol. 10, n°1, pp. 1-29. Abstract |

Widmer, E.D., La Farga, L.-A. (2000). Family Networks: A Sociometric Method to Study Relationships in Families. Field Methods, vol. 12, n°2, pp. 108-128. Abstract | Full text

Treas, J. and Widmer, E., D. (2000). Whose Money? Financial Management in Marriage: A multi-level analysis for 23 countries. In: J. Weesie and W. Raub(Eds). The management of durable relations: Theoretical and empirical models for households and organizations. Thela Thesis, Amsterdam, p. 1-14.

Treas, J., Widmer, E.D. (2000). Married Women's Employment over the Life Course: Attitudes in Cross-National Perspective. Social Forces, vol. 78, n°4, pp. 1409-1436. Abstract | Full text

Widmer, E.D., Romney, A.K., Boyd, J. (1999). Cognitive aspects of step-terms in American kinship. American Anthropologist, vol. 101, n°2, pp. 374-378. Abstract | Full text

Widmer, E.D., La Farga, L.-A. (1999). Boundedness and Connectivity of Contemporary Families: A case study. Connections, vol. 22, n°2, pp. 30-36. Abstract | Full text

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