Eric D. Widmer

Kaufmann V., Viry G., Widmer E.D. (2010). Motility. In: Collet B., Schneider N., Mobile living across Europe, volume II. Causes and consequences of job-related spatial mobility in cross-national perspective. Leverkusen-Opladen: Barbara Budrich, pp. 95-111. Abstract |

Sapin, M., Spini, D., Widmer, E.D. (2010). I percorsi di vita. Dall'adolescenza alla vecchiaia. Bologne, Il Mulino, Bologna. Abstract | Full text

Nguyen, Vi Cao, Fragnière, E., Gauthier, J.-A., Sapin, M., Widmer, E.D. (2010). Optimizing the marriage market: An application of the linear assignment model. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 202, n° 2, pp. 547-553. Abstract | Full text

Widmer, E.D., Kempf-Constantin, N.L., Galli Carminati, G. (2010). Exploring Perceptions of Family Relationships by Individuals With Intellectual Disability and Psychiatric Disorders. Families in societies, vol. 91, n°4, pp. 378-384. Abstract | Full text

Widmer, E., Sapin, M. (2009). Ressources Humaines. In: Kolly, S., Radulescu, C., Anghel, M. Manuel de formation destiné aux professionnels travaillant avec les parents et les bébés de milieux défavorisés et à risque d'abandon en Roumanie. Editura Digital Data Cluj, Cluj-Napoca. pp. 127-180. Abstract |

Widmer, E., Sapin, M. (2009). Resurse umane. In: Kolly, S., Radulescu, C., Anghel, M. Manuel de formare a specialistului in copilaria timpurie. Humanitas, Bucarest. pp. 124-177. Abstract |

Widmer E.D., Ritschard G., Müller N. (2009). Trajectoires professionnelles et familiales en Suisse: quelle pluralisation ? In Oris M., Widmer E.D., de Ribaupierre A., Joye D., Spini D., Labouvie-Vief G., Falter J.-M. Transitions dans les parcours de vie et construction des inégalités. Lausanne, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, pp. 253-272. Abstract |

Widmer, E.D., Ritschard, G. (2009). The de-standardization of the life course: Are men and women equal ? Advances in Life course Research, vol. 14, n° 1-2, pp. 28-39. Abstract | Full text

Hammer, R., Nills-Robert, C., Widmer, E.D. (2009). Subjective proximity to crime or social representations? Explaining sentencing attitudes in Switzerland. Social Justice Research, vol. 22, n° 4, pp. 351-368. Abstract | Full text

Burton-Jeangros, C., Widmer, E.D. (2009) Introduction in Burton-Jeangros, C., Dannefer, D., Widmer, E.D. (eds) Cumulative and Compensatory Effects over the life Course : Introduction. Cumulative effects over the life course. Swiss Journal of Sociology, vol. 35, n° 2, pp. 183-192. Abstract |

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