Widmer, E.D., Kellerhals, J., Levy, R. (2004). Types of conjugal networks, conjugal conflict and conjugal quality. European Sociological Review, vol. 20, n° 1, pp. 63-77.
This article considers how various configurations of network characteristics affect conjugal quality. To investigate this issue, we use data from a large survey on conjugal functioning, based on 910 married couples with coresident children living in Switzerland. Using reports from both male and female partners, we first empirically define six types of conjugal networks. We then explore the extent to which those types affect conjugal conflict and conjugal quality, making a distinction between direct, indirect and buffering effects (Cohen & Wills, 1985). We find that network types have significant direct and indirect effects on conjugal quality but no significant buffering effect. We further discuss the importance of our results for understanding the functioning of contemporary couples within larger relational contexts.
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